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Notice Re: Sprout Brook Park

Release Date: October 28, 2019

Notice Re: Sprout Brook Park

It has been brought to our attention that there is periodically unlawful actions (drugs, etc.) taking place at our Sprout Brook Park. We have contacted both police departments (County and State) to increase patrols at various times of day and weekends to put an end to this unfortunate behavior.

We are a family community and have over the years developed many lovely parks and fields on this campus and we will make sure that these actions are stopped with the help of our police departments.

In the summer months we also add a Parks Ranger to monitor this area. Please if you see something contact the police departments at County (914) 864-7700 and

State (914) 737-7171.

(Note: All town parks close at dusk.)


Thank you!

Supervisor Linda Puglisi