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A Message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi, 6/6/20

Release Date: June 06, 2020

A message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi

June 6, 2020

Hello this is Linda Puglisi, once again thank you for letting me take a few moments to address our community. Our state, region and community are in the first phase of re-opening since the pause began due to COVID-19. Next week, if all goes well, we enter phase two. This means the re-opening of all the town offices on a staggered basis. Even though, the Town Board and I had to make the very difficult decisions to close senior programs, youth center, summer camps and the town pool this season all due to COVID-19, we are working on many other activities for our youth, seniors and families for the summer. They include bike outings, drive-in movies, outdoor concerts, socially distance of course and many virtual programs. 

Our decisions were based on one issue only: the health of our residents and especially, of our children as the number one priority. Many if not most of the communities in our county have also had to make these very tough decisions. We have learned that this terrible virus can affect children as well. How can you social distance children in a camp setting, on the buses that pick them up or in the pool?  So, it’s best to be safe just like we all have been doing our part to abide by the Governor’s executive orders to stay home whenever possible, to wear masks in public and to continue to social distance. The steps over the past three months have been helping us go in the right direction, however we must remain vigilant so there are not serious surges in the future. All town parks, trail systems, parkland by the Hudson River remain open and we hope playgrounds in the near future. Please still social distance and wear a mask, so I thank you all for your understanding and for your cooperation in helping us stay safe

I would also like to take a moment to address the other very serious situation facing our country and our society. The outrageous and senseless death of Mr. George Floyd last week in Minnesota. We do not and cannot allow that kind of violence to exist anywhere in our country and justice will and must prevail. We all can do better no matter where we live to love your neighbor, to respect all people and to provide the dignity that each life deserves regardless of race, religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, age or for any reason whatsoever. I know in Cortlandt, we live by these rules and messages and we will always continue to do our part for inclusion and for respect for all. 

Remember what we all do matters, no matter how small, it all touches us and makes a difference. I am reminded of a famous song of years passed from another very troubling time. It’s entitled to “Teach your children well” and we will for they are the future. In Cortlandt, we all live together, work together and those who pray, pray together. For this is a loving community and we will get through these difficult times and we are together. Thank you for listening, love you all and our wonderful Cortlandt community, please stay safe.