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Town of Cortlandt Unveils Branding Campaign; Cortlandt…Where life works

Release Date: July 02, 2020

For Immediate Release                             


For more information contact:

Linda D. Puglisi, Supervisor

Town of Cortlandt

(914) 734-1002    Fax: (914) 734-1003

Cortlandt Manor, NY


Town of Cortlandt Unveils Branding Campaign;

Cortlandt…Where life works


Welcome to Cortlandt Where Life Works. Town of Cortlandt Supervisor Linda Puglisi and Town Board today unveiled the Town’s new marketing campaign to expand existing businesses and attract new ones.  The “branding” portion of the campaign includes a colorful graphic of the word “Cortlandt” followed by the Town’s new slogan for economic development: “Where life works”.

“Cortlandt is a hidden gem unfamiliar to many in the New York metropolitan area,” said Linda Puglisi. “This marketing campaign is designed and is being launched to make businesses, entrepreneurs, commercial developers and brokers aware of the terrific assets and possibilities the Town holds for them.”

In addition to the branding and slogan, an attractive, informative brochure was produced that contains many of the attributes that are advantageous to business development.  It highlights why Cortlandt is where life works at home, work and play.  A micro website was also launched that features information and data of value to anyone looking to start, relocate or expand a business.

During the presentation, Supervisor Puglisi noted that Cortlandt has quite a story to tell and this campaign summed it up with the motto Where Life Works.

“Cortlandt offers twice the space at half the cost of New York City and even some areas of our own County,” said Linda Puglisi, adding that there is more than just cost.

Linda and members of the Town Board stated why Cortlandt is where life works.

“Cortlandt has an educated and diverse work force with nearly 43.8% percent of our population having some college education,” noted Town Board member Richard H. Becker. “Coupled with an average disposable income per household income of over $100,000.”

“And the lifestyle in Cortlandt with its fine schools, top notch recreational facilities and diverse neighborhoods is second to none,” said Town Board member Frank X. Farrell.

Cortlandt’s location and transportation network – major roadways, proximity to two airports (Westchester and Stewart) and two MTA stations and one Amtrak station - are ideal for business, Frank added.

“Locating or relocating to Cortlandt gives a business a huge advantage,” Said Town Board Member Debra A. Carter. “You are close to New York City without the expense and challenges of the city only one hour from NYC.”

“The attributes and advantages go beyond the lifestyle, location, workforce and disposable income,” said Town Board Member James F. Creighton. “Cortlandt is committed to aiding investors and entrepreneurs through a streamlined approval process.”

The brochure uses bold graphics to promote these factors that all make Cortlandt the place “where life works.”  Among the factors presented in the brochure is the stable low property tax rate, 1% a year on average for 29 years; the town’s $160 million of investments and capital projects; and, total consumer spending of nearly $1 billion within a ten-mile radius of the center of Cortlandt.

The microsite and brochure feature the Town’s four areas targeted for strategic growth fitting within the guidelines and recommendations of our recently adopted and award-winning Master Plan.  That Master Plan focused upon the Town’s opportunity for economic growth.

“Above all this information, the key to attract business is the personal touch we are proud of,” said Supervisor Puglisi. “My office, the Town Board, staff and our economic development consultant will be available to meet on short notice anywhere, or as is the trend these days, via Zoom.  If a business has a project or plan, make an appointment and we will assemble all the key decision makers at the same time so you can get your questions answered, get an understanding of the process and so our staff has a complete understanding of your project.  By having all the key staff, our Town Attorney, Planner, Engineer, present at the same time it reduces misunderstandings, eliminates confusion as to which department is responsible for various tasks and gives you and your professionals one stop shopping.” 

In fact, Cortlandt has already shortened the approval process for some major development by having the Town Board act as lead agency, and depending upon the proposal will continue to do so. With the closure of the Indian Point nuclear plants and the loss of revenue, we are seeking new economic growth.

Any business interested in finding out more about Cortlandt or to receive a copy of the brochure should contact the Town’s Economic Development Consultant, George Oros at