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2023 Town Board Resolutions!

Release Date: December 30, 2022

As 2022 comes to a close, so does my first year as Supervisor of the Town of Cortlandt. I am very proud of our Town Board’s various accomplishments, which includes our weekly Supervisor’s email newsletter (now received by over 9,000 subscribers),  our new skating rink, and the addition of a Community Police Resource Officer (CRO) who brings specialized crisis training to deescalate serious situations in Town. Looking ahead to 2023, there are both challenges and opportunities that we look forward to tackling.

Here is a list of The Town Board's "2023 New Year’s Resolutions” :

1) Complete final design and begin construction of Cortlandt/Verplanck waterfront Amphitheater, for our outdoor summer concert series. Also, completely renovate our children's playground with   seaplane themed attractions at this beautiful waterfront park.

2) Dedicate $1 million to resurface and repave portions of our roadways throughout the town.

3) Continuing the MOD approval process with input from the community and town consultants.

4) Moving forward with rezoning of the Annsville area and advancing Sewer infrastructure

5) Reopen the town pool, after extensive repairs, which were recently completed.

6) Continue planning  the Town's extensive Quarry project, via it’s Citizen-run Quarry Committee and consultants. Identify suitable businesses for the site.

7) Complete the Croton Park Road water main project, including repairing and repaving this road.

8) Pass a Tree Preservation Ordinance, as drafted by the town's CAC.

9) Continue to work with residents of Valeria, to resolve issues with their sewage treatment plant.

10) Continue to work with residents of Amberlands to resolve billing issues with their Bastys-owned sewer treatment plant.

11) Complete renovations to our recreational fields including St., Columbanus Sprout Brook, and Seaboldt

12) Pursue additional green energy projects at Town Hall and other Town-owned facilities including solar and more vehicle charging stations