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Cortlandt is Continuing to Preserve Open Space and Control Development

Release Date: October 11, 2007

Cortlandt is Continuing to Preserve Open Space

and to Control Development

to Protect our Land,

 the Environment and our Quality of Life

(October 2007)

It’s no secret that Cortlandt is a highly attractive community with reasonably priced land that could be developed for commercial and residential purposes.  Therefore development pressures are greater in Cortlandt than in most communities in Westchester.


In January of this year the Town Board received and filed a report entitled Open Space Preservation Plans and Further Controls on Development prepared by Supervisor Linda Puglisi.  This report highlights this administration’s efforts in the last sixteen years to preserve and protect open space and control development.  In June of this year the Town Board received and filed a follow up report prepared by the Supervisor that details the significant progress that has been made on these important subjects since January.  Please read these reports, which can be found on this web page.


In addition to making significant progress in limiting commercial and residential development, this administration has passed various environmental laws aimed at protecting environmentally sensitive land.  We are also in the process of adopting and up-dating a tree preservation ordinance, storm water and illicit discharge ordinances, and new subdivision regulations that will further protect the environment and preserve the visual and aesthetic landscape that is so prevalent throughout Cortlandt. 


On Monday, September 24, 2007 our planning consultant, Allee, King, Rosen & Flemming (AKRF) gave a presentation to the Town Board on the status of revising various commercial Hudson River waterfront-zoning districts.  Our goal is to create access to this unique feature, which will include passive, and active recreation areas and a mix of uses that will complement the adjacent residential areas, as well as, continuing a healthy economic climate for our town. 


Additionally, AKRF reported on the progress of developing a new concept proposed by the Cortlandt Town Board called a Transportation Overlay District (TOD).  As noted in the June progress report, the objective of the TOD is to limit additional development (therefore traffic congestion) on the State and the municipal road systems demonstrating that traffic mitigation can be achieved.


We have achieved many of our goals however there is more to do to protect our land and our community.  We appreciate ideas and comments from our residents.  Please e-mail, fax or write us your suggestions.  Also, please read my Open Space, Further Controls on Development Report on my website pages.  Thank you.


Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi