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Public Forum Westchester's Global Warming Action Plan

Release Date: March 03, 2008

County Executive Andy Spano and Westchester Community College President Joseph Hankin invite you to a public forum on Westchester's Global Warming Action Plan.

Tuesday, March 11, 7-9 p.m. in the Classroom Building on the college's Valhalla Campus, 75 Grasslands Road. This town hall style meeting is designed to focus the attention of the county on issues of global warming and sustainability. Prior to the event, come to our Zero Waste Café reception from 6-7 pm also in the Classroom Building

The upcoming event follows a Focus the Nation teach-in on these topics held at the college a month ago. There will be ample time for audience questions. Come learn about the action plan and what you can do now to help prevent climate change.

The Action Plan, developed by County Executive Spano's Task Force on Global Warming, was released Feb. 26. It may be viewed at

Call the college at 914-606-6700 for more information.