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NY Project Hope

Release Date: March 19, 2021
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Who we are…

NY Project Hope is a Crisis Counseling Program that provides support, outreach, and education to assist individuals and communities coping with COVID-19.  It is a strengths-based program offering support that promotes resilience, empowerment, and recovery.  Support includes an emotional support helpline, information about stress management, coping skills, and links to much-needed resources.

All New Yorkers can call the NY Project Hope Helpline or visit the program’s website where they can learn about resources including agencies in their communities that are providing crisis counseling services.  The program is free, confidential, and anonymous.


The goals of the Crisis Counseling Program are:

• Help all New York residents understand their current situation and reactions to COVID-19;

• Reduce stress and provide emotional support;

• Assist with recovery options;

• Promote the use or development of coping strategies;

• Connect New Yorkers with other people and agencies who can help them in their recovery process.


The Immediate Services Program (ISP) started with an Emotional Support Helpline that was inherited from Governor Cuomo’s volunteer-staffed COVID-19 helpline response initiative.  NY Project Hope’s Emotional Support Helpline is staffed with trained crisis counselors from around New York State who answer calls from 8am to 10pm every day of the week.


Who NY Project Hope Serves…

NY Project Hope is a statewide initiative available to every New York resident.


How we’re supported…

Funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Administered by the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

A program of the New York State Office of Mental Health


Program Timeline and budget…

Presidential Disaster Declaration 3.20.2020; grant funded until June 16, 2021.


Get to know NY Project Hope…


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Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm 914-708-6104

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