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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Frequently Asked Questions
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  • Recreation- General
    • What is the PRC Advisory Board?
      • There shall be appointed an Advisory Board for the Recreation and Park Service Area, which shall be appointed by the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandt, appointed for a term of three years, each to expire at the end of the calendar year, except that the four student members, as set forth below, shall be who shall constitute the Advisory Board for Recreation and Parks Services will be selected with a view towards their demonstrated interest in the parks and recreation programs of the Town of Cortlandt, and for said student shall be voted.
      • Vacancies
        • Any vacancy for a position on the Advisory Board of the Recreation and Parks Service Area shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner in which the original appointment was made.
        • The members of the Advisory Board shall serve as such without compensation.
        • The Advisory Board's Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be appointed by the Town Board.
      • Powers & duties of Advisory Board
        • The Advisory Board of the Parks and Recreation Service Area shall have the
          following powers and duties:
          • To recommend qualifications and specifications which shall be met by prospective nominees for the various departmental positions.
          • To formulate and make recommendations upon basic policy with respect to the parks, recreation and conservation programs of the town.
          • To develop and recommend long-range plans for park and open space acquisitions and facilities development.
          • To recommend a capital projects plan.
          • To recommend all members having to do with the regulation, use, fees and charges with respect to parks and recreation facilities.
          • To make recommendations upon any proposed sale of parklands, proposed sale of parklands, as herein defined.
          • The Board shall meet once each month on a stated date to be selected by the Board and may hold such other meetings as the Board may from time to time determine.
      • Recommendations for acquisition of parkland. The Advisory Board may consider, investigate and recommend additional real property in the town as may, in his or her opinion, be proper and desirable to be reserved or set apart or acquired for one or more parks.
Code Enforcement (Building) Division
  • Code Enforcement General
    • What Zoning District is my property located in?

      Contact Code Enforcement at (914)734-1010, to find out what a property is zoned.

    • What does not require a permit?

      Note: Work that does not require a Permit is still required to comply with the Town Code and NYS Codes as applicable. Please call the Code Enforcement Division to verify requirements.


      Building Permits and subsequent Certificates of Occupancy are not required for:


      Storage sheds and other accessory structures less than 100 square feet in floor area and not permanently affixed to the ground;

      (Accessory structures are required to comply with required setbacks and maximum allowable area see Town Zoning Code Chapter 307 and Table of Dimensional Regulations.)


      Re-siding a building in which no sheathing is not removed or replaced;


      Solid fuel burning devices installed prior to January 1, 1984          


      Patios on grade

    • How do I apply for a Variance from the Zoning Ordinance?

      The Zoning Board of Appeals grants relief, a variance, from the Zoning Ordinance.  Applications to the Zoning Board of Appeals are obtained from and filed with the Code Enforcement Division.  

      You are encouraged to contact Martin Rogers at 914-734-1010 for any questions regarding an application before the Zoning Board of Appeals.  Martin Rogers can also be reached via email at

    • How do I obtain a plan of my septic system?

      The Town of Cortlandt does not have any information on file for septic systems.  The Westchester County Health Department, (link to (914) 813-5000, has records of septic systems.  When you call the Health Department they may ask for the year the house was constructed and Tax Map Number (Section, block, and lot).  You can obtain this information from the Town of Cortlandt Tax Assessor, (914) 734-1040, although for homes constructed prior to our records the construction date may not be available.

    • How do I obtain my Section, Block and Lot numbers?

      To obtain a Section, Block and Lot Number, call the Code Enforcement Office, (914) 734-1010.  You will need the property address or owner's name.

    • Where can I get a copy of the Town Code, Zoning Code, or Ordinances?

      The Town Code, Zoning Ordinance, and other Ordinances can be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office. (914-734-1020)

      The Town Code can also be viewed on our website by clicking on "Town Code" on the left hand navigation bar.

    • Who do I call regarding trees in the street right-of-way?

      The Highway Division, (914) 734-0047, will determine if a tree is in the street right-of-way and they also maintain these trees.  

    • Where can I get FEMA, floodplain information?

      The Engineering Division provides local administration of the National Flood Insurance Program.   (FEMA/Engineering link to Engineering page section)

    • Where can I get a copy of the Zoning Map?

      Copies of Zoning Maps are available for $25.00 at the Town Clerk’s Office at Town Hall.

    • Where can I get Topographic Maps for the Town of Cortlandt?

      Topographic Maps are located in the DOTS: Engineering Division. You can contact them at 734-1060 or you can click on the website on the left hand navigation bar under "Departments" - "Engineering Division".

    • Where do I get information on Permitted Uses and area requirements for my property?

      Code Enforcement administers the Zoning Ordinance that designates permitted land uses and area requirements for construction.

    • What do I do to license my dog?

      The Town Clerk issues licenses for dogs.  You must bring proof of immunization and pay the required fees.  Dogs must be licensed every year.

    • Are pets prohibited in areas of the Town?

      Dogs are not allowed upon school grounds of any school within the Town of Cortlandt during the time of year when schools are open and between one hour prior to commencement of the school day and one hour after the end of the school day or upon a playground within said Town of Cortlandt at any hour during the time of year when playground activities are conducted.  

Department of Planning & Community Development
  • Planning General
    • Is my property subdividable?

      The Planning Division cannot answer whether a property is subdividable or not.  That decision is made by the Planning Board.  Planning Division staff can provide background information on the property such as if it has ever been before the Planning Board in the past, if it is generally steep or wet, etc.  A property owner should hire their own professional to investigate a property for potential subdivision.  Planning Division staff cannot recommend engineers or architects but a property owner may review past Planning Board agendas for examples of firms that do work in the Town of Cortlandt.

    • How long does the process of Subdivision or Site Plan Approval Take?

       It varies on a case by case basis, however expect at least 6 – 12 months at a minimum.

    • I want to sell a small piece of property to my neighbor. Does this action need Planning Board Approval

      Yes.  However, refer to Section 265-13(D) of the Town of Cortlandt Subdivision Regulations for a definition of a “lot line adjustment”.  If your project meets the requirements of a lot line adjustment the process can usually be completed in two months.  If the amount of property to be transferred is greater that that allowed by a lot line adjustment, the transfer is considered a subdivision.

    • I want to subdivide my property but I think it may contain wetlands. What do I do?

      To determine if wetlands exist on your property, you should submit a copy of your property survey and a request for wetland flagging to the Planning Division.  The Planning Division will send a request to a Town approved Wetland Consultant who will submit an estimate of the cost to delineate the wetland.  You pay the Town the cost, plus a 10% administration fee and the wetland will be delineated.  See Chapter 179 of the Town Code “Freshwater Wetlands” for more information.

      Contact the planning division with any questions (914) 734-1080.

    • I want to put up a sign at my business. Does that require Planning Board Approval?

      The Town has recently changed the sign ordinance to permit a staff level review and approval for certain signs.  These sign applications are still referred to and reviewed by the Architectural Advisory Council. Please check with Planning Division for specific information.   After the staff approves a sign, the applicant still needs to go the Code Enforcement Division to obtain a Sign Permit.

      With respect to new construction and site plan approvals, signs are approved by the Planning Board.  The Planning Board referrs sign applications to the Architectural Advisory Council for a recommendation.  The Planning Board approves the aesthetics and location of a sign.  If a proposed sign is larger than is allowed on the building the applicant most apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance.  After the Planning Board approves a sign, the applicant still needs to go the Code Enforcement Division to obtain a Sign Permit.

    • How do I get information regarding a recent or past Planning Board case?

      The Planning Division maintains the Planning Board files and subdivision maps.  To find out if the Town has any information associated with a property you must have the Section, Block, and Lot Numbers (Tax Map Number) for the property.  If a file exists, you may view the file in the Planning Division or request the information via a FOIL (Freedom of Information) Request.  FOIL Requests are filed in the Town Clerks Office. 

      Please be advised that the Planning Division maintains and stores older files in a cold storage room location.  It may take some time to research the stored files.

    • Where do I get information on Permitted Uses and area requirements for my property?

      The Code Enforcement division administers the Zoning Ordinance that designates permitted land uses and area requirements for construction.  (914) 734-1010.

    • What Zoning District is my property located in?

      The Code Enforcement division provides information regarding Zoning District. (914) 734-1010 or you may view your property on our WebGIS system.  


    • How do I apply for a Variance from the Zoning Ordinance?

      The Zoning Board of Appeals grants relief, a variance, from the Zoning Ordinance.  Applications to the Zoning Board of Appeals are obtained from and filed with the Code Enforcement Division.  (914) 734-1010.

    • How do I obtain my Section Lot, Block numbers?

      To obtain a Section, Lot, and Block Number, call the Tax Assessor’s Office, (914) 734-1040.  You will need the property address.  You may also view your property on our WebGIS System.

    • Where can I get FEMA, floodplain information?

      The Engineering Division provides local administration of the National Flood Insurance Program 

Department of Technical Services
  • Engineering General
    • How can I get my road paved?

      If you live on a Town road you can request your road be repaved by writing to the Supervisor and Town Board.

      Each spring we evaluate the roads of the Town of Cortlandt for resurfacing.  This includes their current condition, rate of failure, traffic load and truck traffic.  The list of roads meeting the budget are provided to the Town Board and approved.  A contract is let to bid and awarded at a subsequent meeting and resurfacing takes place during the summer.  The resurfacing program is a budget constrained program and the roads not selected for resurfacing in a given year are re-evaluated the following year.  

  • Planning General
Engineering Division
Highway Division
Recreation & Conservation
  • Recreation- Adult Softball League
  • Recreation- Camp
    • When does registration for Summer Camp begin?

      The Summer Brochure/ Planner is available online around the end of March/ early April.  Registration for the Day Camp Programs are on a first-come first-serve basis.  There is a limited enrollment for all three camps.  The application is in back of the summer brochure and can also be completed online through Community Pass Registration Software ( and must be COMPLETED ENTIRELY for the Recreation Department to accept it. 

      It is important to note that the dates of all of your child's immunizations MUST BE WRITTEN IN/ ENTERED ONLINE AS WELL AS the paperwork from your childs physician must be submitted to the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department via email at

    • How many campers are in the Town Camps?

      Day Camp (Grades K-4th): 225 Campers per a two week session

      5th and 6th Grade Camp: 125 Campers

      7th and 8th Grade Camp: 100 Campers

    • What does a typical day at the Town of Cortlandt Day Camp (Grades K-4th) consist of?

      Campers travel from rotation to rotation, similair to periods in school.  Rotations include activities such as the game room, arts & crafts, sports, drama, nature, etc.

    • What is the ratio of campers to counselors?

      Passive activities are 1:12.  Swimming activities are 1:10; for children under eight years of age it is 1:8; for children under six years of age it is 1:6 as per New York State Sanitary Code.

    • How do you determine if a camper is a swimmer or a non-swimmer?

      The first day of each session a Water Safety Instructor gives all the campers a swimming test. (Swim Test: Camper jumps into the deep end of the pool; swims the width of the pool; stops, floats on their back for 30 seconds; stops treads water for 1 minute; emerge from pool).  Depending on the results they will be given a color bracelet that refers to their swimming ability.  If a camper is designated as a non-swimmer, the camper can only swim in water no deeper than chest level.  There are designated lifeguards for the camp swimmers, along with stationed camp counselors, throughout the swimming area.

      There is a Buddy System that is implemented for all swimmers.  Each camper is assigned a buddy of the same swimming ability.  Every fifteen minutes a horn blows, and all the campers (with their buddy) get out of the water and go to a predetermined location.  At that time attendance is checked to ensure all campers are present.  After all are accounted for, the horn blows and campers return to the water.  This procedure occurs every fifteen minutes during swim time.

    • Are swimming lessons offered in the summer camps?

      Swimming lessons are offered only in the Day Camp (Grades K-4th).  The swimming groups are broken down by grade and then by swimming ability.  Lessons are scheduled everyday for a forty minute period.

    • Do the summer camps close on rainy days?

      No, the camps are a rain or shine program.

    • Does the 5th/6th and 7th/8th Grade Camps go on a trip everyday?

      Our camps are not strictly "Travel Camps".  Generally, the 5th/ 6th Grade Camp and the 7th/ 8th Grade Camp goes on approximately four to five trips per session.  The camp consists of three, two week sessions.

    • What kind of trips do the 5th/6th Grade Camp and the 7th/8th Grade Camps take?

      Trip schedules vary from year to year, however, some that we have taken recently include, Rye Playland, Splashdown, Rockland Boulders, Xtreme Play, Bounce! Trampoline Park, and Spins on Hudson.

    • How are the children supervised on your camp trips?

      Each child is in a group of eight to ten campers and assigned to one or two counselors depending on that particular trip.  No campers are allowed to go on their own.  They are always with a buddy and in sight of a counselor.

    • What qualifications does a Camp Director need to have?

      A bachelor's degree, or at least 21 years of age and at least 6 months of previous experience is required.  A notification from the Department of Social Services State Central Register of Abuse and Maltreatment that the director has not been subject of an investigation report; and the submission of a form entitled Prospective Children's Camp Director Certified Statement Relative to the Conviction of a Crime or the Existence of a Pending Criminal Action, as developed by the Commissioner that the camp director has no criminal conviction record.

    • What is the minimum age for a camp counselor?

      A C.I.T. (Counselor- In- Training) needs to be fourteen years of age by the start of summer camp.

    • Who interviews potential camp counselors?

      The Recreation Supervisor of the respective camps.

    • What first aid qualifications are required for a summer camp?

      A Camp Health Director shall possess: 

      (1)   A current certificate in Responding to Emergencies First Aid issued by the American
             Red Cross.
      (2)   A current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certificate, not exceeding one year in duration, in CPR for the Professional Rescuer.

      For every 200 campers there must be one certified CPR person.  For every 125 campers there must be one certified RTE person.  At the First Aid station located at the pool there is an EMT where all campers in our Day Camp will be taken if first aid is applied or needed, a call will be made to tell the parent/guardian.

    • Do you have an EMT or nurse on the premises?

      The 5th and 6th Grade Camp, 7th and 8th Grade Camp, and Day Play Camp DO NOT have an EMT or a Nurse at their perspective locations.  The Camp Director in each camp is certified in CPR and Responding to Emergencies which is an intense first aid course through the Red Cross.  While the Camps are at Charles Cook Park there is a nurse/EMT on staff at the pool.

    • What is the Playgrounds Free Play Camp?

      This is a FREE drop off and pickup program supervised by paid recreation staff from 9:00 AM- 12:00 PM. The program takes place at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center Playground and at the Frank G. Lindsey Elementary School Playground. 

      The program offers such activities as arts and crafts, sports and special events. Your child must be dropped off and picked up by an adult 18 years or older. Playground programs will NOT be held on rainy days. If the playground is cancelled at 8:45 AM, the playground will not be re-opened on that day.

      Those interested must register online in advance at

  • Recreation- Charles J. Cook Pool
    • I am a Town of Cortlandt resident. What do I need to visit Charles J. Cook Pool?

      All Town of Cortlandt residents ages 4+ require their own Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card in order to visit Charles J. Cook Pool.

      Children ages three and under do not require their own ID Card, and are free to visit Charles J. Cook Pool.

    • What are the daily operating hours of Charles J. Cook Pool?

      Operating hours fluctuate in the beginning of the season when most of our staff is unavailable and still in school, please visit our website for seasonal updates and changes.  Charles J. Cook Pool is open from 10:45 AM- 7:00 PM; 8:00 PM on Friday evenings.

    • How much does it cost to visit Charles J. Cook Pool?

      The daily fees and season pass fees change annually for Charles J. Cook Pool.  Fees will be published for the summer season in the Summer Recreation Brochure/ Planner, which is made available between March and April.

    • Is lap swimming available at Charles J. Cook Pool?

      Yes!  Charles J. Cook Pool hosts a full lenth 25 metre pool that fits eight full lap lanes.  During normal operating hours, four lanes are open at all times, two specifically desginated as adult lap swimming lanes only.  The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department also offers an "Early Bird" Lap Swim Program, keep an eye out for the Summer Recreation Brochure/ Planner for more information about dates, times, and fees.

    • Do I need to bring my own chairs/ umbrellas to Charles J. Cook Pool?

      Yes, if you would like a chair or guaranteed shade, you would need to provide your own.  Charles J. Cook Pool does offer limited shade with large sun umbrellas that are stabilized in the ground.

    • Can I bring food and drinks to Charles J. Cook Pool?

      Yes!  You can bring your own food and drinks to Charles J. Cook Pool, although, alcohol is NOT allowed within the facility. 

      There are also barbeque grills for public, first-come, first-serve use.

      There is also an onsite snack bar.

    • What floatation devices are allowed at Charles J. Cook Pool and where?

      Only Coast Guard Approved life saving devices may be used as personal flotation devices in designated areas (Frog slide and Mushroom)- please speak to an off duty lifeguard for more information.  Coast Guard Approved life vests are also available for loan at the Pool Office (Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card needed for deposit).

      Kickboards are restricted to designated areas (Lap lanes)- please speak to an off duty lifeguard for more information. 

    • Can non-residents visit Charles J. Cook Pool?

      No, non-residents cannot visit Charles J. Cook Pool on their own, however, non-residents that are GUESTS of a Town of Cortlandt resident may visit the pool with the resident family.  A guest fee will be applied to each guest over the age of four years old.

      Town of Cortlant residency includes Cortlandt Manor, Buchanan, Montrose, Croton on Hudson, Verplanck, and SELECT STREETS of Mohegan Lake and Crompond.

    • Can I host my child's birthday party at Charles J. Cook Pool?

      Yes!  You can host your child's birthday party at Charles J. Cook Pool.  All party reservations are taken directly by pool managerial staff onsite.  Please call 914-222-6232 for more information.

    • Are Swim Lessons offered at Charles J. Cook Pool over the summer?

      Yes!  The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department offers a wide variety of swim lessons for ages 5-16.  Swim Lessons run for three, two- week sessions and are registered for based on skill level.  If you are unsure of what level to register your child for, make your best educated decision, and the child will be moved accordingly on the first day of lessons.

      The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department also offer swim lessons for ages Six Months- Three Years (Tiny Tot) and ages Three Years- Four Years Old (Pre-School Swim).  These lessons fill up QUICKLY, so please register early.

  • Recreation- Community Pass Online Registration
  • Recreation- General
    • What special events does the Town of Cortlandt host throughout the year?
      Event Name Month Location
      Eaglefest February Cortlandt Waterfront Park
      Senior Academy Awards March Muriel H. Morabito Community Center
      Earth Day Hike April Varies
      Egg Hunt April Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center
      Concert & Movie Series June- August Cortlandt Waterfront Park
      Senior Picnic August Charles J. Cook Pool
      Family Fun Day September Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center
      Community Swap September Muriel H. Morabito Community Center
      5K Road Race October Cortlandt Waterfront Park
      Dog Halloween Parade October Sprout Brook Dog Park
      Hobgoblin Parade October Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center
      Halloween Party October Muriel H. Morabito Community Center
      First Responders Golf Tournament October Hollow Brook Golf Course
      Winter Wonderland December Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center
      Meet Santa December Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center
    • When are the Recreation Brochures/ Planners mailed out?

      The Recreation Brochures, now known as the Recreation Planner, are mailed out three times per year to all residents in the Town of Cortlandt (Fall, Winter/Spring, Summer).  The brochures will also be available online at .  You can also browse and register for all programs through Community Pass, our Online Registration Software at

      The Winter/ Spring Planner will be published around the first week of January.

      The Summer Planner, which has information concerning all of the full day Day Camp (Day Camp- Gradess K-4th, and the 5th/ 6th Grade Camp, and the 7th/ 8th Grade Camp) programs as well as our one week camps.  All of the Charles J. Cook Pool information and summer swim lesson information will also be available in this planner.  This planner will be published between the end of March to early April.

      The Fall Planner will be published right after Labor Day.

      The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department, located in Office #11 of Town of Cortlandt Town Hall, will also have extra copies of our planners.

    • What Sport Leagues do we have in the Town?

      Registration for each League and Travel team is taken the season BEFORE players begin their seasons.

      Youth Leagues
      Basketball League for Boys (Grades 3rd- 12th)
      Basketball League for Girls (Grades 3rd- 7th)
      Lacrosse League for Girls (Grades 1st- 6th)- Spring
      Soccer League for Boys (Grades 1th- 5th)- Fall & Spring
      Soccer League for Girls (Grades 1st - 6th)- Fall & Spring
      Travel Soccer (Ages 10- 15)
      Travel Basketball for Boys (Grades 4th- 8th)
      Travel Basketball for Girls (Grades 4th- 8th)

      Adult Leagues 
      Softball League for Men- Spring, Summer, & Fall

    • Does the Town provide accident insurance?

      The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department does not provide Accident Insurance.

    • Are there any facilities that the Residents can rent in the Town?

      The Town of Cortlandt Recration Department has a Community Room located in the back of the Cortlandt Town Center which has limited availability for weekdays and weekends.  The space may be rented only to Cortlandt Residents.  There is no smoking or alcohol allowed.  There is also no kitchen, but food is allowed as long as all garbage is removed.  The rates are $25 for a non-profit organization, $150 for residents or private use and $250 for profit making organizations.  A $300 cash deposit is required by all.  Please contact Colleen Anderson in the Recreation Office for more information at or 914-734-1052.

      The Cortlandt Youth and Recreation Center is also available to be rented on Saturdays from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM, for more information, please contact Director of the Youth Center, Lindsey Luposello, at or 914-736-0498.

      The Muriel H. Morabito Community Center may also be rented by residents but not for personal use parties.  Non-profit organizations may rent the facility.  Please call the Muriel H. Morabito  Community Center for more information at 914-528-1464.

    • Can non-residents participate in Town of Cortlandt Recreation Programs?

      If there are roster openings approximately one to two weeks before the beginning of a program, non-residents can register and participate, with an additional 20% surcharge applied to the total fee. 

      We recommend all non residents interested in a particular program to put themselves on the WAITLIST via Community Pass,  Non-residents will be notified via email from Community Pass that they were either released or removed from the waitlist.  Being released from the waitlist requires an individual to log into their Community Pass account and register for the program officially.  Being removed from the waitlist requires only payment be made online, instructions would follow.

      Non-residents ARE NOT PERMITTED to take part in summer swim lessons at Charles J. Cook Pool or visit Charles J. Cook Pool on their own.  They are only permitted as guests of Town of Cortlandt residents.

      The same procedure is observed for the Town of Cortlandt Ice Rink located at the Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center.  Non-residents are only permitted when in the company of a resident.

    • What is Otocast?

      Otocast is a mobile application used for audio and visual guides of specific points of interest such as historical and recreational sites within the Town of Cortlandt.  Download Otocast today via the App Store or Google Play!

  • Recreation- Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Cards
    • Who needs a Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card?

      All Town of Cortlandt residents ages 4+ require their own Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card in order to visit Charles J. Cook Pool and the Ice Rink located at the Cortlandt Youth Center.

      Children ages three and under do not require their own ID Card, and are free to visit Charles J. Cook Pool.  In order to recieve the lower fee for a program (Fee with ID v. Fee without an ID) for a child that is three or under, the adult of the household will need to have their own ID Card.

    • What do I need in order to purchase a Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card?

      All residents over the age of 18 will need to prove residency with two forms of documentation that have both your name and your Town of Cortlandt residential address.  This may include a drivers license, current utiliyt bill, car registration, etc.  Documentation can be digital.

      Town of Cortlant residency includes Cortlandt Manor, Buchanan, Montrose, Croton on Hudson, Verplanck, and SELECT STREETS of Mohegan Lake and Crompond.

    • How much does a Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card cost?

      A Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card is $7.00 for residents ages four through to 59.

      For Residents ages 60+, an ID Card is $3.50.

    • How long is a Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card valid for?

      A Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card is valid for three years from the date of purchase/ issue.

    • Where can I purchase a Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Card?

      Option 1: Residents can purchase Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Cards directly at the Town of Cortlandt Town Hall in the Recreation Department Office (#11) from 9:00 AM- 3:30 PM, no appointment required.

      Option 2 (Seasonal): Residents may also purchase Town of Cortlandt Recreation Photo ID Cards directly at Charles J. Cook Pool during seasonal operating hours from 10:45 AM- 5:30 AM.

      Option 3: Residents may also follow the steps at this link in order to complete the ID Card process via email and Community Pass.

  • Recreation- Youth Travel Soccer
    • Do you have playing time requirements for your Travel Teams?

      Other than Travel Soccer (non D1 teams), we DO NOT have playing time requirements for our Travel Teams.  Our  Travel Teams provide the higher skill level children to participate against other teams in other towns and lets them play in a more competitive atmosphere.  You may decide that this may not be best for your child and let them participate in our in-house leagues.  Our Travel Coaches do the best they can to get all players into the 

      *Travel Soccer has a playing time requirement for Division 2 - is is a minium of 1/2 a game or over.

    • How far away do your Travel Teams travel?

      For the most part, the travel teams play local towns.  For instance the team will play Yorktown, White Plains, Lewisboro, etc.

    • Where do you get your coaches?

      Most are parents, but we also have several high school students as well as some adults without children in the program.

    • Who chooses the Travel Coaches?

      The coaches are chosen by the Recreation Supervisor who oversees the respective program.

  • Recreation- Youth Basketball League & Travel Basketball
  • Recreation- Youth & Recreation Center
    • How is the Youth Center staffed?

      Lindsey Luposello, Youth Center Director develops and implements all program activities the center has to offer.  Various permanent part time staff supervise the program daily.  These Youth Center employees have many years of experience working with this population and provide a well-supervised, structured, and safe environment for your child.

    • What activities are available to my child at the Youth Center?

      Children can enjoy our rock climbing wall, cooking/ baking classes, learning lab, arts & crafts room, video game room, outdoor sports on our basketball court, and enjoy watching your favorite show/sporting event on our flat screen television!

      The Youth Center also has two satellite programs.  First, open gym at the Hendrick Hudson High School.  All participants must be HHHS district students only.  Program runs every Monday evenings from 7:30 PM- 9:30 PM.  Second, there is a Canteen Program at the Murial H. Morabito Community Center located at 29 Westbrook Drive in Cortlandt Manor on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM for middle school students, Wednesdays from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 PM- 10:30 PM for high school students who reside in or attend Town of Cortlandt schools.  Activities include: open gym basketball,  All participants must sign a code of conduct agreement before utilizing this facility. 

    • What is the cost to attend the Youth Center?

      There is no cost to join the Youth Center or any of our satellite programs, some programs may have a nominal fee.

  • Recreation- Youth Lacrosse League
    • Do you have a boys and girls Lacrosse League?


      Currently, the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department oversees the Girls Youth Lacrosse League for Grades 1st-6th.  Teams have practice one to two times per week.  There will be an additional fee for uniforms.  All players must register with as well as with the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department via Community Pass at  The program requires full equipment. Limited supply of equipment provided. 


      Boys Lacrosse League for Grades K-8th is NOT managed through the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department, but through the Sailors Youth Lacrosse Club.  Practices will be two days a week (Tuesday/ Thursday evenings- times TBD) Games will be on Saturdays and occasionally during the week.  Schedule will be available in February for all registered players.  Equipment is needed.  If you are a new player, the club will help you with equipment for the season.  For more information on how to register, fees, and more please contact at

    • Do you need any equipment for Lacrosse?

      Yes, all children should purchase a stick, gloves, and a helmet.

  • Recreation- Youth Soccer League
Sanitation Division
  • Refuse Collection
    • How do I dispose of paint?

      Apply kitty litter or other absorbent material to dry the paint. Dispose of dried paint in can with lid off into regular refuse.  Pour paint onto/or spread out newspaper, let air dry, dispose of newspaper and can with lid off.  Westchester County has partnered with PaintCare to greatly expand the county paint recycling program.  Please call Westchester County Recycling Hotline at 914-813-5425 for more information.

    • How do I dispose of a freezer, dehumidifier, refrigerator, air-conditioner, or other appliance with Freon?

      Freon items require a special pick up.  You can stop by our office and pay the $10.00 fee (cash/check) or mail us a check to Sanitation Division, 167 Roa Hook Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567.  We will mail you a sticker to place on the item.  Please remove refrigerator/freezer doors for curbside pick up.

    • How do I dispose of a TV, VCR, computer monitor and other CRT (cathode ray tube) appliances?

      These items should not be disposed of with the regular trash.  Westchester County provides an E-waste drop off for all electronics Monday – Friday 8:00am – 3:00pm at Buchanan DPW located at 218 Westchester Avenue.  Best Buy will also accept most electronics free of charge.  The Sanitation Division changes $10.00 for a TV pick up and $5.00 for each electronic item (up to 2 items per household).

    • Why was my large can (greater than 45 gallons or 70 lbs.) not picked up?

      Town Code requires that all residents garbage/recycling cans cannot exceed 45 gallons or 70 lbs.  Oversized cans pose an injury hazard to men lifting larger containers.  These contains are designed for an automated service truck which the Town does not use.

    • How does the collection schedule change on a Holiday week?

      The collection service would be canceled on the Holiday and other services moved AHEAD one day.  Bulk pick ups are canceled on Holiday weeks. 

      Example of a Monday Holiday – Mondays pick up would be on Tuesday, Tuesdays pick up would be on Wednesday, paper on Thursday and commingle on Friday.  Please call our office with any questions at 914-737-0100.

    • Where does the household refuse/garbage go?

      There is no landfill. The refuse is transported for incineration (garbage to energy), plant, RESCO, on Charles Point Blvd. in Peekskill.

    • Where do the recyclable products go?

      They are transported to a Westchester County operated Transfer Station on Roa Hook Road. The city then transports these to processing markets.  (Effective 2002)

    • Why does the Town not pick up grass clippings?

      Grass and all other organic yard wastes have been identified by NYS DEC as recyclable and can not go to incineration.  Leave on lawn, or backyard composting is recommended.

    • How do I dispose of branches from trees?

      Call DES Sanitation Division at 914-737-0100 to schedule a chipper truck service.  Branches cannot exceed 10 feet or 6 inches in diameter.  If you have trees taken down by a contractor they must take away the debris.  You can use larger tree branches/logs for firewood.  

    • How do I dispose of home re-modeling building materials and demolition debris?

      Have the contractor remove and dispose the items.  The Town DOES NOT take construction debris.  Check the phone book/web for local hauling/carting companies.  


    • How dangerous is the job of Sanitation Laborer?

      Very, national statistics show this occupation to be hazardous.

    • Why is it BAD to place chemicals, liquids, etc. into trash?

      Combustible material mix and are hazardous to workers on truck. 
      Fire hazard. 
      Hazardous fumes being inhaled by workers. 
      Liquids sprayed onto workers by truck crushing load. 
      Environmental hazards.

    • What safety equipment is supplied on each truck?

      Each truck is equipped and inspected to NY State DMV requirements, in addition each truck is equipped with a back-up video camera and cab monitor.

    • What is a household chemical clean up day?

      Westchester County Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF) is open year-round for drop-off of these items.  Call 914-813-5425 for more information. 

    • I am moving and have unused household chemicals to dispose, what do I do?

      These items can be disposed of at the Westchester County Household Material Recovery Facility (H-MRF) in Valhalla. Call 914-813-5425 for more information.

    • I have tires with and without metal rims, what do I do?

      Tires require a special pick up.  Tires without metal rims are $5.00 each and with rims $10.00 each.  You can stop by our office and pay the fee (cash/check) or mail us a check to Sanitation Division, 167 Roa Hook Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567.  We will mail you a sticker to place on the tire.

    • I am moving and missed my Friday bulk pick-up, what do I do?

      A special bulk pick-up can be arranged for a $30.00 fee and follow the same guidelines as our regular bulk pick up.  You can stop by our office and pay the $30.00 fee (cash/check) or mail us a check to Sanitation Division, 167 Roa Hook Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567.  Please call with any questions at 914-737-0100.

    • What do I do with leaves?

      Place curbside in paper/biodegradable bags, which will be picked up according to schedule. If you need a pickup other than the scheduled pickup call Sanitation at 914-737-0100 to schedule a pickup.

    • Does the Town provide litter patrol?

      Yes, there are work crews that are periodically assigned on Town roads.

    • What is Sharp Smarts?

      Many people use sharps (needles, syringes and lancets) as part of their home medical care. 
      Proper disposal of sharps is important to the safety of the sharps user and to workers who handle trash.

      Use a container that is: leakproof, shatterproof, and puncture proof with a screw top. (Good choices are durable plastic bottles, bleach and detergent bottles.)

      Bad choices are: glass and aluminum containers, metal cans with flimsy lids and cardboard container.

      Place lancets or needle and syringe in the container IMMEDIATELY after using. 
          · DO NOT recap, bend needles or break lancets. 
          · SECURE the top on the container. 
          · Label the container "SHARPS". 
          · DO NOT label it "Medical Waste," or "BIOHAZARD," etc. 
          · When the home container is full, make sure the top is screwed on securely, then apply tape around
            the top and the neck of the container.  NEVER PUT SHARP CONTAINERS IN WITH RECYCLABLES.

    • How are dead animals removed and disposed?

      Contact DES at 914-737-0047 to remove dead animals from Town roadways. We do not pick up animals on private property, that is the property owner's responsibility.  


    • Are plastic bags acceptable for collection of Thursday recyclables?

      If you save your glass, metal, plastic containers in plastic bags, dump the recyclables out of the bags and into the bin/container on collection day.  You can reuse bags or bring them to a local store that accepts them (supermarket or department stores).

    • What is an “OOPS” sticker?

      An “oops” sticker is a reminder program that points out to the resident that there is some reason for items not being picked up.  Examples: recyclables mixed with garbage or leaves in plastic bags.

    • Does the Town provide recycling bins?

      Yes they are $10.00 each. Bins can be purchased at Sanitation Division located at 167 Roa Hook Road.

    • I am a new resident, what should I do to start residential solid waste curbside collection?

      Call our office 914-737-0100 to request a printed guide to Recycling and Solid Waste Disposal Services.

Tax Receiver
  • Tax Receiver General Questions
    • I never received my tax bill, or received it late, do I still have to pay the penalty?

      Yes, the failure to mail a statement or the failure of a property owner to receive a statement will not affect the validity of the taxes or interest prescribed by law (New York State Real Property Tax Law §922). In addition, neither the Receiver of Taxes nor any other official have legal authority to waive statutory penalty charges. These are fixed by NY State Real Property Tax Law.

    • If I mail my tax payment on the due date do I have to pay a penalty?

      Real Property Tax Law provides as follows:

      Payment of taxes by mail, when enclosed in a postpaid envelope properly addressed to the appropriate collecting officer and is deposited in a post office or official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Post Office shall, upon delivery, be deemed to have been made to such officer on the date of the United States Postmark on such wrapper. The provision of this section shall not apply in the case of postmarks not made by the United States Post Office. A postage meter stamp, such as Pitney Bowes, is not a postmark made by the United States Post Office, and therefore, is not within the provisions of Real Property Tax Law section 925. Payments cannot be deemed timely because of a postage meter postmark date on an envelope containing a tax payment (Op. New York State Comp. 69-170).

      If taxes are not received until after the due date, they are not paid until after the due date unless they fall squarely within the provisions of §925 of the Real Property Tax Law, and the penalty must be added and collected. No Town official or employee can waive the penalty.

    • If the due date falls on the weekend may I pay my taxes without penalty on the next business day?

      Real Property Tax Law, §925-a expressly covers such a situation by providing as follows:

      “Extension of time for collection, notwithstanding any contrary provision of this chapter, or any general, special or local law, code or charter, if the final date for collection of taxes, or for the collection of taxes without penalty, or for the collection of taxes at a lesser prescribed penalty interest rate shall fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, an extension for the collection of taxes shall automatically be in effect until the first business day following such date and the date for paying over taxes shall be extended to the following day.”

      In connection with tax payments, the State Comptroller has held that if a tax due date falls on a Saturday, or on a Sunday or on a public holiday, payments may be made on the following business day without additional charge.

    • What is a tax warrant?

      A legal document pursuant to the NYS Real Property Tax Law directing this office to receive and collect taxes on behalf of the Town, County, or School District.

    • Can I pre-pay my taxes?

      No. Until this office receives a tax warrant, we do not have the legal authority to collect taxes, nor do we know what the taxes will be or how much each taxpayer will owe.

    • I just paid off my mortgage, how do I get tax bills sent to me instead of my bank?

      Congratulations on paying off your mortgage!
      While you no longer have a monthly mortgage, you will still have to pay your Town and County and your School taxes. Please contact our office to let us know if you were paying your taxes through your mortgage and now would like the bill sent directly to you. You can do this by:

      • Calling our office at 914-734-1030
      • Coming in to see us where we can answer any questions you may have
      • Inform us in writing at:

      Tax Receiver
      Town of Cortlandt
      One Heady Street
      Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567

      Make sure to provide us with your EMAIL to receive bills, reminders, and receipts.

    • Am I entitled to any exemptions?
    • I want to buy a new house, what would the taxes be for that property?

      To find out taxes on a property you can either:

      • Give our office a call at 914-734-1030
      • Come in and visit us
      • Search Property Tax Payment History information by clicking here. From there you can see past property payment history and the amounts that were paid. If you click on the “Bill Details” tab it will give you a detailed explanation of the bill and will show you if the property currently has any exemptions that you may or may not qualify thus giving you an approximate amount that you will be paying if you were to purchase that property.
    • How do I change the address where my tax bill is sent?
    • How do I change the name on my tax bill?
    • I am thinking of doing some home improvements, will it change my tax bill?
  • Tax Receiver Property Tax
    • What is Property Tax?

      Property tax is a local tax based on the value of real property. Real property is defined as land and any permanent structures attached to it. Examples of real property are houses, gas stations, office buildings, vacant land, shopping centers, saleable natural resources (e.g. oil, gas, timber), farms, apartments, factories, restaurants, and, in most instances, mobile homes.

      Counties, cities, towns, villages, and school districts each raise money through property tax. The money collected funds schools, pays for police and fire protection, maintains roads, and funds other municipal services enjoyed by residents. The Town of Cortlandt sends property tax bills in April for the Town and County, and in September for the School bill.

    • What determines the amount of a Property Tax Bill?

      The amount of a particular property’s tax bill is determined by two things: the property’s taxable assessment and the tax rates of the taxing jurisdictions in which the property is located. The tax rate is determined by the amount of the tax levy to be raised from all, or part, of an assessing unit, and the unit’s taxable assessed value. The assessment is determined by the assessor and is based on the value of the property less any applicable property tax exemptions.

    • What kind of property is assessed?

      Every parcel of real property is assessed no matter how big or how small. Real property is defined as land and any permanent structures attached to it. Examples of real property are houses, gas stations, office buildings, vacant land, shopping centers, saleable natural resources (e.g. oil, gas, timber), farms, apartments, factories, restaurants, and, in most instances, mobile homes.

      Though all real property in an assessing unit is assessed, not all of it is taxable. Some, such as religious or government owned property are completely exempt from paying property taxes. Other properties may receive a partial exemption, such as veterans, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. To find out if you qualify for any exemptions you can contact the Assessor’s office at 914-734-1040 or click here.

    • What is an Assessment?

      A Property’s assessment is a percentage of its market value. Market value is how much a property would sell for under normal conditions. Assessments are determined by the assessor, an appointed local official who independently estimates the value or real property in an assessing unit. Assessing units follow municipal boundaries – county, city, town, or village.
      The assessor can estimate the market value of property based on the sale prices of similar properties. A property can also be valued based on the depreciated cost of materials and labor required to replace it. Commercial property may be valued on its potential to produce rental income for its owners. In other words, the assessor can use whatever approach provides the best estimate of a property’s market value.

      Once the assessor estimates the value of a property, its total assessment is calculated. New York State law provides that every property in most municipalities be assessed at a uniform percentage of value. That percentage can be five percent, ten percent, fifty percent, or any other percentage not exceeding 100 percent. It does not matter what percentage is used. What is important is that every property is assessed at the same uniform percentage within one assessing unit.
      After a property’s total assessment is determined, its taxable assessed value is computed. The taxable assessed value is the total assessment less any applicable property tax exemptions.

    • How do I know if my assessment is right?

      It is up to individual property owners to monitor their own assessments. Taxpayers should bring any questions about assessments to the assessor before the tentative roll is established (contact your assessor for the tentative roll date). A tentative roll is a list for the current year that shows assessment information for every property in the municipality.
      Assessors are interested only in fairly assessing property in their assessing unit. If your assessment is correct and your tax bill still seems too high, the assessor cannot change that. Complaints to the assessor must be about how your property is assessed.

      Informal meetings with the assessors to resolve assessment questions about the next assessment roll can take place throughout the year. If, after speaking with your assessor, you still feel you are unfairly assessed, ask for the booklet, How to File a Complaint on Your Assessment. It describes how to make a case for an assessment reduction to the Board of Assessment Review, provides the instructions for filing a complaint, and indicates the time of year it can be done. Please contact the Assessor’s office for more information, (914) 734-1040.

    • What determines the Tax Rate?

      The tax rate is determined by the amount of the tax levy. There are several steps involved in determining a tax levy. First, the taxing jurisdiction (a school district, town, county, etc.) develops and adopts a budget. Revenue from all sources other than the property tax (State aid, sales tax revenue, user fees, etc.) is determined. These revenues are subtracted from the original budget and the remainder becomes the tax levy. On your tax bill property tax rates are expressed as a percentage per $1,000.00 of the assessed value of your real property.

    • How is my tax bill figured out?

      Property taxes are an ad valorem tax, a tax based on the assessed value of real property. Two owners of property that are of equal value should pay the same amount in property taxes. For example, the owner of more valuable property should pay more in taxes than the owner of less valuable property.

      The property tax differs from income tax and sales tax because it does not depend on how much money you earn or on how much you spend. It is based totally on how much the property you own is worth.

      For example, if an assessor assesses property at 15 percent of value, a house and land with a market value of $100,000 would have an assessment of 15,000. With no exemptions, this is the houses taxable assessed value. This 15,000 is not the tax bill. The tax bill for this house depends on the municipality’s tax rate.


      The tax rate is determined by dividing the total amount of money that has to be raised from the property tax (the tax levy) by the taxable assessed value of taxable real property in a municipality. If, for example, a town levy is $2,000,000, and the town has a taxable assessed value (the sum of the assessments of all taxable properties) of 40,000,000, the tax rate would be $50 for each $1,000 of taxable assessed value.

      $2,000,000 / $40,000,000 = .05 x $1,000 = $50 (tax rate)

      The town tax bill for this house with an assessment of 15,000 would be $750. The $750 results from dividing the assessment of 15,000 by $1,000 to get $15 (because the tax rate is based on each $1,000 of assessed value). Then, the $15 is multiplied by the tax rate to get the tax bill of $750.

      15,000 / $1,000 = $15 x $50 = $750 (tax bill)

      As you can see, the size of the tax bill depends on both the assessment and the tax rate, which is based on the tax levy.

    • What else may occur before the Tax Rate is final?

      There are times when tax rates cannot be set until the tax levy is apportioned, or divided, among various municipalities. Apportionment occurs if parts of a school district, or special district, exist in more than one city or town. Taxes are apportioned so that the parts of the district in the different municipalities each pay their fair share of the district tax levy.

      The county tax levy also is apportioned among the towns and cities in the county. This is so that cities and towns will each pay their fair share of the county tax levy.

    • What makes my tax bill change?

      Tax bills increase for one or more of the following reasons: bigger budgets are adopted, revenue from sources other than the property tax shrinks, the taxable assessed value of the assessing unit changes, or the tax levy is apportioned differently.

      Taxpayers unhappy with growing property tax bills should not concern themselves just with assessments. They also should examine the scope of the budgets and expenditures of the taxing jurisdictions (counties, cities, towns, villages, school districts, etc.) and address those issues in the appropriate available forums, such as meetings of the state, county, or town, and school boards.

Town Clerk
  • Town Clerk's Permits, Certificates, Licenses
    • How do I obtain a Death Certificate?

      You can obtain a certified copy of the death certificate of a parent, spouse, child, or sibling, in person, or request it through the mail.  If you are not one of the above relations, please call our office for clarification on what documents you will need.

      NYS says a death certificate can be issued to the following:

      1. To the spouse, parent, sibling or child of the deceased.
      2. To a lawful representative of the spouse, parent, sibling or child of the deceased.
      3. To a person with a new York State Court order.
      4. To a person requiring the record for a documented legal right or claim.
      5. To a person requiring a record for a documented medical need.
      6. To a municipal, state or federal agency when needed for official purposes.

      There is a charge of $10.00 per certified death certificate.

      In Person:

      • You will need to schedule an appointment once you are ready to come in.
      • Please print and fill out the necessary application. CLICK HERE If you do not have access to a printer, there are copies available at our counter.
      • Photo ID is required. Driver’s license or passport is fine.
      • The cost is $10.00 per copy, we accept
          • cash (in person only)
          • check (made out to Cortlandt Town Clerk)
          • money order (made out to Cortlandt Town Clerk)
          • credit card (there is a $1.75 surcharge fee for the CC)

      Via Mail:

      • Please print and fill out the necessary application. CLICK HERE
      • Make a copy of your current driver’s license/ state identification card/Passport and sign the page – have your signature notarized by a Licensed Notary Public.
      • The cost is $10.00 per copy, we accept
          • check (NYS CHECKS ONLY - made out to Cortlandt Town Clerk)
          • money order (made out to Cortlandt Town Clerk)
          • credit card (there is a $1.75 surcharge fee for the CC – please include a note with your phone number, and we will call to take payment at the time your request is processed)
      • Please mail to:
        • Office of the Town Clerk

      1 Heady Street

      Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567

      • For expedited processing, please include a prepaid return envelope with the shipping speed and company of your choice.
    • How do I obtain a Marriage License?

      Town Clerk & Registrar's Office

      1 Heady St
      Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567



      Monday to Friday 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, except on the last day of the month when they are only issued from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM. 

      To download a Marriage License Form  CLICK HERE


      Where do you get a marriage license?

      A couple who intends to be married in New York State must apply in person for a marriage license to any town or city clerk in the state. The application for a license must be signed by both applicants in the presence of the town or city clerk. A representative cannot apply for the license on behalf of the applicant. This applies even if the representative has been given a Power of Attorney.

      Notarized marriage license affidavits signed by the applicants cannot be substituted for their personal appearance.

      Is there a waiting period?

      Yes. Although the marriage license is issued immediately, the marriage ceremony may not take place within 24 hours from the exact time that the license was issued.

      The 24-hour waiting period may be waived by a judge or justice of the Supreme Court of New York State or the county judge of the county in which either party to be married resides, or if such party is at least seventeen years of age, the judge of the Family Court of such county.

      How long is the license valid?

      A marriage license is valid for 60 calendar days, beginning the day after it is issued.

      How much does the license cost?

      If the marriage license is issued by a town or city clerk in New York State outside of New York City, it costs $40. This fee includes the issuance of a Certificate of Marriage Registration. This certificate is automatically sent by the issuing clerk to the applicants within 15 calendar days after the completed license is returned by the officiant (person who performs the marriage ceremony). It serves as notice that a record of the marriage is on file. Couples who do not receive a Certificate of Marriage Registration within four weeks of the wedding should contact the town or city clerk who issued the license.

      If the license is to be issued by the City Clerk of the City of New York, please contact the New York City Clerk's Office for current fees and requirements. The City Clerk's Office can be reached at (212) NEW-YORK or via its web site at NEW YORK CITY MARRIAGE BUREAU.

      Is a premarital physical exam required?

      No premarital examination or blood test is required to obtain a marriage license in New York State.

      Who can get married?

      Age Requirements

      • If either applicant is under 17 years of age, a marriage license cannot be issued.

      • If either applicant is 17 years of age, such applicant(s) must present the written consent of both parents and a justice of the Supreme Court or a judge of the Family Court having jurisdiction over the town or city in which the application is made.

      • If both applicants are 18 years of age or older, no consents are required.

      • One parent alone may consent to a minor's marriage if:

        • The other parent has been missing for one year preceding the application;

        • The parents are divorced and the consenting parent was given sole custody of the child when the divorce decree was awarded;

        • The other parent has been judged incompetent; or the other parent is deceased.

        • Parents, guardians or other people consenting to the marriage of a minor must personally appear and acknowledge or execute their consent before the town or city clerk or some other authorized official. If the notarized affidavit is made before an official outside of the State of New York, it must be accompanied by a certificate of authentication when the consent is filed in New York State.

      Proof of Age and Identity

      A person is required to provide proof of age by submitting a birth certificate.

      A person must establish identity. Identity related documents:

      1. Driver's license or Non-driver ID

      2. Passport

      3. Employment picture ID

      4. Immigration record

      Familial Restrictions

      A marriage may not take place in New York State between an ancestor and descendant, siblings (full or half blood), an uncle and niece or nephew or an aunt and niece or nephew, regardless of whether or not these persons are legitimate or illegitimate offspring.

      Previous Marriages

      Information regarding previous marriages must be furnished in the application for a marriage license. This includes whether the former spouse or spouses are living, and whether the applicants are divorced and, if so, when, where and against whom the divorce or divorces were granted. A certified copy of the Decree of Divorce or a Certificate of Dissolution of Marriage may be required by the clerk issuing the marriage license.

      Surname Options

      Every person has the right to adopt any name by which he or she wishes to be known simply by using that name consistently and without intent to defraud. A person's last name (surname) does not automatically change upon marriage, and neither party to the marriage is required to change his or her last name. Parties to a marriage need not take the same last name.

      One or both parties to a marriage may elect to change the surname by which he or she wishes to be known after the marriage by entering the new name in the appropriate space provided on the marriage license. The new name must consist of one of the following options:

      • the surname of the other spouse;

      • any former surname of either spouse;

      • a name combining into a single surname all or a segment of the premarriage surname or any former surname of each spouse;

      • a combination name separated by a hyphen, provided that each part of such combination surname is the premarriage surname, or any former surname, of each of the spouses.

      The use of this option will provide a record of your change of name. The marriage certificate, containing the new name, if any, is proof that the use of the new name, or the retention of the former name, is lawful. The local Social Security Administration office should be contacted so that its records and your social security identification card reflect the name change. There is no charge for this service.

      To change the name on your NYS driver license or non-driver identification, contact the DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES for information.

      Whether you decide to use or not use this option at the time of your marriage license application, you still have the right to adopt a different name through usage at some future date. However, your marriage license cannot be changed to record a surname you decide to use after your marriage.

      If you plan to use your married name at work, be sure to have your name changed in Social Security records. This way, you will get credit for all your earnings. It's easy and it's absolutely free. Contact any Social Security office. You can find the address and phone number of your local Social Security Office at HTTP://WWW.SSA.GOVYou will need documentary evidence showing both your old name and your new name.

      Where can a marriage take place?

      A New York State marriage license may be used within New York State only. Please note that if you go out of New York State to be married, your New York State marriage license will not be filed in New York State.

      What about the ceremony?

      There is no particular form or ceremony required except that the parties must state in the presence of an authorized public official or authorized member of the clergy and at least one other witness that each takes the other as his or her spouse. There is no minimum age for a witness. However, in selecting a witness, choose at least one person who you feel would be competent to testify in a court proceeding as to what he or she witnessed.

      Who can perform a marriage ceremony?

      To be valid, a marriage ceremony must be performed by any of the individuals specified in Section 11 of the New York State Domestic Relations Law. These include:

      • The current or a former governor;

      • the mayor of a city or village;

      • the former mayor, the city clerk or one of the deputy city clerks of a city of more than one million inhabitants;

      • a marriage officer appointed by the town or village board or the city common council;

      • a justice or judge of the following courts: the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, the U.S. District Courts for the Northern, Southern, Eastern or Western Districts of New York, the New York State Court of Appeals, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court, the New York State Supreme Court, the Court of Claims, the Family Court, a Surrogates Court, the Civil and Criminal Courts of New York City (including Housing judges of the Civil Court) and other courts of record;

      • a village, town or county justice;

      • a member of the clergy or minister who has been officially ordained and granted authority to perform marriage ceremonies from a governing church body in accordance with the rules and regulations of the church body;

      • a member of the clergy or minister who is not authorized by a governing church body but who has been chosen by a spiritual group to preside over their spiritual affairs;

      • other officiants as specified by Section 11 of the Domestic Relations Law.

      The person performing the ceremony must be registered with the City of New York in order to perform a ceremony within the New York City limits. The officiant does not have to be a resident of New York State. Ship captains are not authorized to perform marriage ceremonies in New York State.

      Where do you get copies of records?

      For copies of marriage licenses issued anywhere in New York State except the five (5) boroughs of New York City, a certified copy of the marriage record may be obtained from the office of the town or city clerk who issued the license, or from the New York State Department of Health. The fee is $10 if you obtain a certified copy from the town or city clerk who issued the license. If applying to the New York State Department of Health, the fee is $30. For a certified copy, write to:

      • New York State Department of Health
        Bureau of Vital Records Certification Unit
        P.O. Box 2602
        Albany, New York 12220-2602

      For marriage licenses issued in New York City, do not apply to the New York State Department of Health. For an application, current fees and ordering information contact the City Clerk of New York at (212) NEW-YORK or visit their web site at NEW YORK CITY MARRIAGE BUREAUYou can also write them at:

      New York City marriage records from 1930 to 1995 can be obtained solely from the Manhattan Office.


      Office of the City Clerk
      141 Worth Street
      New York, New York 10013


      Supreme Court Building
      851 Grand Concourse, Room B131
      New York, New York 10451


      Municipal Building
      210 Joralemon Street, 2nd Floor, Room 205
      Brooklyn, New York 11201


      Borough Hall Building
      120-55 Queens Boulevard, Room G-100
      Kew Gardens, New York 11424


      Borough Hall Building
      10 Richmond Terrace, 3rd Floor, Room 311
      Staten Island, New York 10301


    • How do I obtain a Dog License?

      In accordance with New York State Law, all dogs 6 months of age or older and any dog under 6 months running at large must be licensed.

      Documents needed to license your dog include:

      1. Proof of a valid rabies vaccination from your veterinarian.
      2. If your dog is spayed or neutered, proof of same.


      Unaltered dog - $18.00 per year
      Altered dog - $10.00 per year

      All dog licenses are to be renewed every year.

      For information, call (914) 734-1020

    • How do I obtain a Hunting and Fishing License?

      All information regarding hunting and fishing licenses requirements and classes can be found on the following New York State Web Site:

      New York State DEC Website

    • How do I obtain a Handicapped Parking Permit?

      Handicapped Parking Permits are issued in the Town Clerk’s Office at the locality where you reside.

      A Doctor’s note must be provided with the patients name and address which states if the disability is temporary or permanent.

      A temporary permit is issued for a period of 6 months and if there is need to renew an additional doctor’s note must be presented.

      A permanent handicapped permit is issued for a three year period. A renewal can be issued without another doctors note at the Town Clerk’s Office.

      In accordance with New York State Law, only one permit per patient can be issued. The permits can be used in any vehicle the disabled person is a passenger.

      For information or questions, please call 914-734-1020

    • What if I need a BUILDING PERMIT

      If you are looking for a building permit - please contact our Code Enforcement Division of DOTS at 914-734-1010.

Water & Sewer Division
  • Radio Water Meter
  • Water General
    • Sometimes my water is a rusty brown color. What causes this?

      Brown water is often the result of street construction or water main work being done in the area.  Any disturbance to the main, including the opening of a fire hydrant, can cause pipe sediment to shift, resulting in brown water.  The settling time of the main will vary, depending on the size of the water main.  In addition, brown water is commonly associated with plumbing corrosion problems inside buildings and from rusting hot water heaters.  If you have an ongoing problem with brown water, it is probably due to rusty pipes.   It is recommended that you run your cold water for 2-3 minutes, if it has not been used for an extensive period of time.  This will flush the line.  You can avoid wasting water by catching your "flush"  water in a container and using it to water plants or for other purposes.

    • What can I do about chlorine odors in tap water?

      Chlorine odors may be more noticeable when the weather is warmer. 
      Chlorine is essential to kill organisms that may cause disease.  The following are ways you can remove the chlorine odor from you drinking water:

      • Fill a pitcher and let it stand in the refrigerator overnight. (This is the best way.)
      • Fill a glass or jar with water and let it stand in the sunlight for 30 minutes.
      • Pour water from one container to another about 10 minutes.
      • Heat the water to about 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
      • Once you remove the chlorine, be sure to refrigerate the water to limit bacterial growth. 
    • My tap water often looks cloudy when first taken from a faucet, but then clears up. Why?

      Air becomes trapped in the water as a very large volume of pressurized water travels down the long distance of aqueducts to the City.  The water, as a result, can sometimes appear cloudy or milky.  This condition presents no threat to public health.  The cloudiness is temporary and clears quickly after the water is drawn from the tap and the excess air is released.

    • Should I buy bottled water?

      You do not need to buy bottled water for health reasons in New York City since our water meets all health based drinking water standards.  Also, bottled water costs up to 1,000 times more than the City's drinking water.

    • Is New York City's water

      Hardness is a measure of calcium in the water.  The less calcium in the water ("soft" water), the easier it is to create lather and suds.  New York City's water is predominantly "soft."

    • Does my water contain fluoride?

      The following streets receive their water through the Yorktown water system connection and therefore does contain some fluoride: 

      • Baker Street 
      • Brandeis Avenue 
      • Cardoza Avenue 
      • Croton Avenue from Maple Ave. to Furnace Dock Rd.
      • Dares Lane 
      • East Hill Road ** top half
      • Hampton Place
      • Helena Avenue
      • High Street
      • Hood Place
      • Jacob Street
      • John Street
      • Kamp Street
      • Lakeland Avenue
      • Lexington Avenue from Route 6 to Townsend Road
      • Lexington Avenue from Route 6 to Mountainview Road
      • Lockwood Road from Yorktown line to Lockwood Estates
      • Lucs Lane
      • McArthur Boulevard
      • Mill Court
      • Mountainview Road off Croton Avenue
      • Mountainview Road off Red Mill Road
      • Nathalie Court
      • Parkway Colony all streets
      • Quarry Acres all streets
      • Red Mill Road from Lexington Ave. to Mountainview Road 
      • Regina Avenue
      • Route 6 from Lexington Ave. to Westchester Mall
      • Skyview Road
      • Southgate Drive
      • Stonefield Court 
      • Udell Court
      • Wheeler Drive
      • Woodland Boulevard
Youth Center