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Events Calendar


April 03, 2019*  Note: This event has already passed.

CREATIVE COOKING II (Grades 3rd & 4th) Shari Munitz, Instructor

Come mix it up and join us for some creative cooking. We'll make it, bake it, stir it, cut it and lots more "hot stuff" (and cold cooking too!) in this entrhusiastic, safe, educational and fun kitchen class. We'll integrate literature, songs, themes, science, math and many skills while expanding our taste plate and being introduced to some new ingredients and food combinatons. Not suggested for chefs with food allergies.

Course Number:        619-2S

Location:                    Youth Center

Day/Dates:                 Wednesdays, April 3 - May 15 (6 sessions)-(no class 4/17)

Time:                           6:45 PM - 7:45 PM

Fee:                             $80 with ID/ $85 without ID/ $102 nonresident

Click here to register online.