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Medical Oriented District (MOD) Update and Public Meeting Notice- 10/24/22
Medical Oriented District (MOD) Update and Public Meeting notice—Monday OCTOBER 24, 2022 at 7PM Town Hall
Already four months has passed since our May 2 meeting at Town Hall on Medical Oriented District (MOD), and I am writing to update the community on events since that time, and to alert everyone of an upcoming public meeting.
Over the summer, I met with local residents along Tamarack, Ridge, Lafayette, and Buttonwood-- on six separate occasions. Each time I was accompanied by a Town Board member. We physically walked the properties and viewed the proposed area of development, from each of these vantage points.
In addition, I and the Town Board have held meetings with the two developers and reviewed all the public comments we received to date.
When I met with Gyrodyne, I explicitly expressed that, based on public comments, the Town Board felt that the project was too large. We made it clear to them that we would only allow medical office space on this property adjacent to Buttonwood, not to exceed 100,000 ft.² (reduced from 187,000). In our judgment, the property was suitable for only Class A medical office space, reduced in size and scale.
We also met with the Evergreen group and informed them that at this point, only the Assisted Living component felt appropriate as designed. The second proposal for the site which consisted of apartments for rent was out of character with the neighborhood. It was too boxlike, made of glass and steel, and not consistent with the neighborhood. It was also too big and tall for the neighborhood. We also informed them that the volume of the 166 apartments was simply too large. We recommended that they return with a redesign, favoring smaller structures consistent with the neighborhood. Perhaps most importantly, we stressed to the developers that given the fact that so many private homes are contiguous with the property lines, that they should consider increasing the setbacks significantly— perhaps in the vicinity of 75 to 100 feet (double or triple what was proposed.)
Evergreen has requested to present alternative proposals to the Town Board. As promised, all such presentations will be public, so the community can hear them along with the Town Board. This will not be a time for public comment, but for the developer to present and for the Town Board to ask questions. It is the next step in the process. Gyrodyne will be notified and invited to the meeting should they decide to participate
Please join us on October 24 at 7 PM.
Richard H. Becker, M.D.
Supervisor, Town of Cortlandt