Affordable Housing
Westchester County Affordable Housing
If you are interested in an Affordable Housing unit ANYWHERE In Westchester County - you are strongly encouraged to visit the Westchester County Homeseeker site:
Roundtop at Montrose - Route 9A near the Cortlandt Train Station.
This is a 92 unit Affordable Housing development located on Route 9A (just north of the Cortlandt Train Station) constructed in 2012. If you are intersted in Roundtop at Montrose - Contact either Wilder Balter or the Housing Action Council
Town of Cortlandt Existing Affordable Ownership Units:
Currently there are a total of 16 affordable units for ownership as defined under Westchester County Guidelines within the Town of Cortlandt. Eight (8) of these units are restricted to age 55 and older and eight (8) of these units are open to any age group.
Currently all 16 units are occupied. However, the Town is maintaining a RESIDENT ONLY interested list for any possible future re-sales of these units. If you are interested in being placed on a resident only "interested" list please download the following and MAIL back to us at Town Hall.
Cortlandt Resident Only Interest Form
Please NOTE you are strongly encouraged to sign up to all lists including Westchester Homeseeker, Wilder Balter and Housing Action Council. It is better to be on all lists!
General Resources for Affordable Housing:
Westchester County Housing Programs
The Housing Action Council
United Way of Hudson Valley