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Town of Cortlandt Goals

Release Date: December 31, 2020

Top Goals for 2020/2021

From Supervisor Linda Puglisi

“This has been a very difficult year as we all faced the challenges of the COVID 19 Pandemic.  Our hearts go out to those we lost and our sympathy to their families”.

  1. Financial: Continue our excellent financial record.  Moody’s upgraded our bond rating to Aa1 this year for our good record.  Also, to keep the town tax increases very low.  In 2020 the increase was only 0.9% (equals $15 for the year) and for 2021- now 30 years – the increase was 0% once again, on average a 1% town tax increase in total.  I’m very proud of this record which includes very low town debt.
  2. Veterans Banners on Albany Post Rd. along the corridor in front of the V.A. (contact my office @ 914-734-1002 to learn more or go on our town’s website at We will be expanding the Veterans Banners program to Oregon Road in 2021
  3. To oversee the closure of the last operating Nuclear Plant at Indian Point (located in the Village of Buchanan and Town of Cortlandt).  We work closely with the Buchanan Mayor and officials, as well as, the Hendrick Hudson School District both of which will be fiscally impacted by the loss of revenue when the plant closes in April 2021.
  4. The town’s new bathhouse at our town pool location will be completed this year and we just installed a new playground and a mini golf course in 2019.
  5. Continue our economic growth in the right locations in the town to offset our upcoming loss of revenue from Indian Point ($800,000 a year, 2% of our annual revenue) including on town property located in the hamlet of Verplanck. We developed a new Brand “Where Life Works” to market Cortlandt!
  6. More sewer projects in the town.  We just received a grant from NYS to offset the costs for the properties along Albany Post Rd. in Montrose and other sewer projects are being developed, as well.
  7. We had a fantastic new “Winter Wonderland” festival in December 2019 by our Youth Center.  This event and others including our “Cortlandt Family Fun Day” will continue in 2021.
  8. Sustainability issues are very important to us in this administration and we will continue energy programs (i.e. solar).  A private solar farm business is being built off Croton Avenue.
  9. We have expanded our social media opportunities (i.e. Instagram) and will continue these important efforts for communication.
  10. We’ve been successful recently in removing blighted structures and will continue to do so along with the removal of all billboards town-wide.  They have become outdated due to many other ways to advertise.
  11. Cortlandt Waterfront Park along the Hudson River in the Verplanck hamlet has become a center of activity for our community (summer concerts etc.) and there are more plans to come.
  12. We will work with the successful Cortlandt Community Rowing Association started by Councilman Frank Farrell to have a new hangar for storage of the crew boats and in many other ways to promote this important program.
  13. Many infrastructure projects and our extended paving plan will continue in 2020/2021.  We are very pleased that $3million of resurfacing was completed in 2019 and $1.5 million in 2020.
  14. We have many important programs and activities for our Seniors and youth at our centers and many recreational programs. (See our quarterly recreation brochures to learn more.)
  15. As always, we support our Veterans and those defending our Country today and will continue our Veteran’s committee and our many ceremonies.
  16. To continue to work with our residents, their families and our local businesses and those in need as we navigate through the Pandemic.  Safety is so very important.

“It is an honor to be Cortlandt’s Town Supervisor.  It is a privilege that I take very seriously to take care of our community and all of the wonderful residents of our town.  Let’s make 2021 the Best Year Ever!  As always, we thank those on the frontline protecting us and taking care of us during the Pandemic and ALWAYS! Thank you.”

Supervisor Linda Puglisi